Wednesday, December 9, 2009
during this season you see so many different things. Some of them are the traditional snow man, Santa and Nativity story figures but there are also some that go out of the ordinary and are just totally different but in spite of all this I have to say that my favorite are definitely the lights which are one of the most common decorations for this time of the year. I really like them because the just make all the houses and everything look so happy and full of life and they just brighten my days.
Monday, December 7, 2009
The End
So the end of The Alchemist was very surprising to me because i totally wasent expecting that ending. But it waa indeed very good since it leaves the reader with the lesson that you have to struggle to finally reach your happiness. Which to me is the very best lesson because in other words it is the nice way of thinking bout life. So that is what consoles many people when they suffer they make it up by saying that after the worse the good is coming. And I not only liked it because of that, but I also liked it because
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
real or fake Santa??
I so much wish i could still believe in Santa because I remember back to when I was little and how happy I felt when thinking about being good so that he get me gifts, but o well I guess we all have to grow up don't we? I found out who the real Santa was by accident because my Aunt and my Grandma were talking in the kitchen when I came in and I accidentally heard the thing that would ruin the best part of Christmas for me from then on. They tried to convince me that I had heard wrong but I could no t believe them cause i knew what i had heard, but even tough that part of Christmas I have learn to enjoy everything else about the Holiday of the year.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thank you!
Well the thing that I am most thankful for is my family i don't know what I would do without them they are like my back bone. I am also thankful for everything that I own starting for my clothes and everything else, and i am also thankful for the school I am in and because they let us have laptops which is something that not very many high school students get to enjoy. And I am also very thankful because i have a job because during this hard times it is really hard to find one and I am thankful for having really good people to work with.
Thinking back to the ice storm
So I'm here sitting in English class listening to people talk when I hear some of them sharing their experiences about the Ice Storm, so i had a light bulb moment and decided to blog about my own experience. So i wake up on a Monday and notice that my room feels really cold and I'm thinking that we probably turned off the heather and just forgot to turn it back on and so i go to my moms room with out even turning any lights on and all my mom says to me is " have you notice that we don't have power and I'm like o we'll probably get it soon. But no sadly that soon didn't come until 4days later ... And those 4 days were the horrible because since we had no generator or any other source of power it was bad... I'm sure u can imagine and I definitely hope that that does not happen again any time soon.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Getting ready for Thanksgiving
OMG just thinking about all I'll get to eat on Thanksgiving day makes my mouth water. My favorite thing though is all the dessert specially Pecan Pie that has always been my favorite. And not let me forget the turkey I am not really into turkey at all and I usually prefer ham and other things but on Thanksgiving I make a huge exception because my mom makes the best stuffed turkey... and all this food talking is making me hungry and just ate last block. hahaha
Monday, November 16, 2009
To me rain used to be kind of depressing looking at the gray sky and just seeing water falling from it make me kind off want to cry... But not anymore well some very unusual times if I'm depressed I still get this feeling. But as the time has passes I have come to enjoy the rain and to look at it has a gift of nature that makes the world and more greener every time it falls. I also love the smell after it rains it reminds me of how it smells on rainy season in Mexico and that feeling is just very reassuring to me because i miss the life from down there. Well, there come times when i don't like it very much or find it reassuring at all when it is a thunderstorm, lightening it's just frightening to me.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The alchemist
So last Wednesday I started reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo and I was like mm this book don't sound so interesting, well that's what i taught when i read the the cover that gives you a preview. Tough at the same time I was kind of excited to start reading it because I have heard form previous students that it had been one of their favorites. And so last Wednesday we get assigned to read to read the introduction and the the prologue. And as I'm reading I'm like umm this really does sound interesting so I keep on reading and didn't even realized it till I looked at the page number and I was on page 20. I was like WOW and i had to stop cause it was getting late... So I really think that I'm going to like it and I hope so too because it is much more esaier to understand a book when you enjoy what you reading.
Monday, November 2, 2009
future and past generations depend on us?
Yes I believe that this statement is very much true. I believe so because we depend on past generation because for example we are the way we are thanks to the education our parents have giving us and the education given by them by older generations and so on the cycle never ends. Future generations also depend on us because we right now are the future and everything we do and get accomplish will be to the benefit or the it will hurt future generations has we have been affected by past generations and i belief that this is a cycle that never ends. Even tough there are cases in which each generation makes either progress or reverses it self in their spam of life.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
So Finally happening..

So once again in two more nights Halloween will be here. This is one Holiday that I really enjoy because of all the candy moving around . Haha well even tough i really love candy I can't really have it but o well. And also something else that I really like about Halloween is all the scary stories come out and that is something I really like.
Even tough I'm not a big fan of Scary Movies, I most definitely love scary stories they just spook you out in a cute way .. well i really cant that there are some that really can freak you out and make you want to look behind your back every few seconds because your afraid someone might be behind you. Well that has happened to me.
Even tough I'm not a big fan of Scary Movies, I most definitely love scary stories they just spook you out in a cute way .. well i really cant that there are some that really can freak you out and make you want to look behind your back every few seconds because your afraid someone might be behind you. Well that has happened to me.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
blck cat story
Well sinceI don't know the story of the black cat or how to finish it , I'll talk about what I think about black cats. Well I have heard that the black cat is a symbol of bad luck, that been said by someone superstitious, but since I don't consider my self to be superstitiuos at all I don't believe on that. Another thing I can say about black cats is that to me they are kind off scary specially when you see them at night and their eyes are all red looking now that is freaky....
Monday, October 12, 2009
five senses on Halloween
Sights: On Holloween there is orange at sight everywere. Ohh and dont forget all the scary looking custums and decorations.
Sounds: around this dates you can hear all kinds od scary sound effects and also the laughter of all the kids who enjoy going trick or treating.
Smells: Mmm i think you can mainly smell all that delicious candy and the fake blood and make-iup used by all the kids and adults use when they dress up fro Halloween
Tastes: Ummmm you can taste all this candy that is just delicious
Touches: well touches you can touch all trough this Halloween season the different costumes used and also you can touch all kinds off fallen leaves......
Sounds: around this dates you can hear all kinds od scary sound effects and also the laughter of all the kids who enjoy going trick or treating.
Smells: Mmm i think you can mainly smell all that delicious candy and the fake blood and make-iup used by all the kids and adults use when they dress up fro Halloween
Tastes: Ummmm you can taste all this candy that is just delicious
Touches: well touches you can touch all trough this Halloween season the different costumes used and also you can touch all kinds off fallen leaves......
Thursday, October 8, 2009
well I watched the Punisher and it scared me alot because it was all bloody and there is alot of suspense on it. And for me a movie has to have alot of bloody unexpectedness . Also a movie is very scary when there is much killing that and blood are something I just can't stand.Oh and don't let me forget all the suspense is there is black suspense i can;t watched I'd will have nightmares everyday if I did.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
ghosts stories??
Here's one I heard on the radio from a woman who told her story about seeing a ghost, which is scary: A few years ago, the woman and her family had just moved to a new house somewhere in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. One night, her baby son was crying so she got out of bed and went to see him. Suddenly, the baby stopped crying. The woman knew that he must have fallen asleep so she went back to bed. A few hours later, the baby cried again, so she got up and went over to check again. As she opened the door to her son's room, she saw a boy, about 6 or 7 years old, calming the baby down. When he saw the woman, he disappeared. The woman was shocked and later told her neighbours what happened. The neighbours already knew about the ghost and told her that there was a boy who died from an illness, about 80 years ago, and was buried under the exact place where her baby son's room is. So it leaves me thinking do ghosts really exist???
Monday, September 28, 2009
traditions at AHS
Well to me Apollo is that best I just really like it cause almost everyone likes everyone. And relating to traditions of our school I really find the dances the best the ones I have attended have seemed to me very well planned out and fun. i also enjoy having all this clubs ,because there totally is one for everyone whether it is the Spanish club, the strategic gaming, or FYL you definitely know that one of them may interest you. Ha and our saying "always an eagle family" I think that is just cute, even tough some people don't like or they might think that it infers other meanings I think it fits our school.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
"Never be afraid to sit awhile and think"
Well I find this saying very wise and interesting, and I totally agree with it because most of the time we as humans regret the rush decisions we have made.So why go through all that bad feeling of feeling resentful with your self when you have done something that you know you could have done much more better just because you took a hurried decision. I really think it is not worth it feeling that on your self. Even tough i know that must of the time I personally rush on most of the desittions I take I realize that I have done bad and on some I really regret so that's why I feel this way on thinking before yo act and not rushing decisions.
Well I find this saying very wise and interesting, and I totally agree with it because most of the time we as humans regret the rush decisions we have made.So why go through all that bad feeling of feeling resentful with your self when you have done something that you know you could have done much more better just because you took a hurried decision. I really think it is not worth it feeling that on your self. Even tough i know that must of the time I personally rush on most of the desittions I take I realize that I have done bad and on some I really regret so that's why I feel this way on thinking before yo act and not rushing decisions.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Act quickly think slowly"- Greek proverb
Mmm wow this really sound confusing and I don't really know what to make out of it so...
I'll tell you what i kind off get out of it, I get that you should always act quickly and it reminds of of the other saying that says "Don;t leave for tomorrow what you can do today" so yeah it probably has something to do with how you take actions on things, Do you act on impulses??? I don't know but it is something definitely to think about. and think slowly mm wonder what they really mean if they want you to act fast shouldn't you think fast too in order to take action fast also?? I find it contradicting ALOT...
Mmm wow this really sound confusing and I don't really know what to make out of it so...
I'll tell you what i kind off get out of it, I get that you should always act quickly and it reminds of of the other saying that says "Don;t leave for tomorrow what you can do today" so yeah it probably has something to do with how you take actions on things, Do you act on impulses??? I don't know but it is something definitely to think about. and think slowly mm wonder what they really mean if they want you to act fast shouldn't you think fast too in order to take action fast also?? I find it contradicting ALOT...
Friday, September 18, 2009
so why do I Think???
I really think that fighting with dignity is better than to surrender in shame. Even tough this is my first choice I still do think that it all depends on the situation you are facing. For example if you are destined to fail at what yo are doing or trying too much might hurt maybe health wise, it would be wiser to surrender in shame than to fight with dignity. But then again if you are sure that you have fought with all you had even tough you loose it is worth it to fight with dignity because you still know at least to yourself that you have fought with everything you've got. But still even tough I know many poeple might no t agree or maybe they have one set decition about matter it's ok because I know and I respect everyones opinion.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Their Eyes Were Watching God - The movie

Well I really feel like writing a little about what i thought of the movie. To me the movie was a really good movie even tough there was some times when I doubted that it was any good at all , and that is because I could really not stand the way Janie's character was played because to me was more of a serious women well at least that how she seemed on the book. But then in the movie there were parts for example when she dances she is acting like she is really that young and I mean she is already forty what is she doing dancing like that?? o by the way I really think that Hale Berry does not look 40 at all and yeah I know that Janie is not supposed to look the age she really is but still hale looks really young and the same trough out the movie. Oh and does parts were they trow in the whole thing with Janie saying "I'm watching God" that sure was a very funny little part and really obvious.Another observation I have from this movie is that I really liked the way the whole hurricane deal was handled it seemed very realistic and made you almost feel like you were the one living it .

So what does money mean to me..... well money is very important because with out it I could definitely not get all that I want and mainly with out or without a good source of it I would not be able to have the level of life that I do. There's not really a certain amount that is the right amount because it all depends on who is earning it and for how many people are they earn it. I am totally positive that the lack of it is a mayor impact in ones life and that is because there are real life examples that can prove this for example starving kids in Africa, drug wars going on all through the Americas fighting over buyers. Mmm and does it make the world go round... i sure think it does and why?? I think that because all economies are based on it and with out it no country around the world would be able succeed.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What is laughter

"A family that laughs together stays together."-Dove Dark chocolate Candy Wrapper
Laughter unifies us by make us spend a good time together and enjoy anything that we are laughing at. Laughter is important to me because I really think that every one needs a happy time sometime during their day especially if they are not having a good one. And yeah i definately think that laughter is contagious , haha how would I not know that because that happends to me sometimes I just start laughing and it really really gets hard to stop , but I still love it, it helps me if I'm not in avery good mood. And I mean why not have a good laugh once and a while ha and sometimes its even funnier to do when you do it to annoy someone else.
Laughter unifies us by make us spend a good time together and enjoy anything that we are laughing at. Laughter is important to me because I really think that every one needs a happy time sometime during their day especially if they are not having a good one. And yeah i definately think that laughter is contagious , haha how would I not know that because that happends to me sometimes I just start laughing and it really really gets hard to stop , but I still love it, it helps me if I'm not in avery good mood. And I mean why not have a good laugh once and a while ha and sometimes its even funnier to do when you do it to annoy someone else.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"Do what you love,love what you do, leave the world a better place, and don't pick your nose"--Jeff Mallett
haha funny and cute little phrase, I think it is totally true cause i mean whats the point on doing something if you are just doing it to do it. I mean be realistic if you don't do it with the heart you are not going to do it right. and yeah you have to leave the world a better place well at least you should try cause remember doing the effort still counts so you have to not forget to never leave for tomorrow what you can do today specially when it includes the world. haha and yeah don't pick your nose cause it is just plain nasty well at least don't do it in public haha
haha funny and cute little phrase, I think it is totally true cause i mean whats the point on doing something if you are just doing it to do it. I mean be realistic if you don't do it with the heart you are not going to do it right. and yeah you have to leave the world a better place well at least you should try cause remember doing the effort still counts so you have to not forget to never leave for tomorrow what you can do today specially when it includes the world. haha and yeah don't pick your nose cause it is just plain nasty well at least don't do it in public haha
Thursday, September 3, 2009
home to me is like eevrything there i can find the peace that I need and the love my family.i dont think I'm ready to leave home, even though i will really love to live on myown and be my own boss I know this world is full of harms that I'm nbo tquite ready to face. My home is unique simply becaus eit is my home.
home to me is like eevrything there i can find the peace that I need and the love my family.i dont think I'm ready to leave home, even though i will really love to live on myown and be my own boss I know this world is full of harms that I'm nbo tquite ready to face. My home is unique simply becaus eit is my home.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
living in a ccristal house or not???
Tenants of vitreous abodes, ought not to hurl lithoidal fragments.
If you live in a glass house you should not trow stones.
I think that what this sais about a person is that if you don't want things done or said to you u should not do them or say them. I think I have sadly been the one trowing the stone, for example when i have told on my brother and sisters . mm but i don't really think i regret it. and ofcoruse there have also been times when when stones have been thrown at me.
If you live in a glass house you should not trow stones.
I think that what this sais about a person is that if you don't want things done or said to you u should not do them or say them. I think I have sadly been the one trowing the stone, for example when i have told on my brother and sisters . mm but i don't really think i regret it. and ofcoruse there have also been times when when stones have been thrown at me.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Mmm since I really can't think of anything to write about and I need this last entry I just decided that i will write a little about my self. I live with both of my parents and have 2 sisters one that 8 and the other one is 7, i also have a brother who is a freshmen here at AHS. I work at the mall in the ice cream store called Scoops. I really like it there because i have the opportunity to see a lot of people and talk to them. And I can't wait till December so that i can go visit the rest of my family that lives over there, and spend the Holidays with them like i always have.
Friday, August 28, 2009
what kind of leader do you admire the most?
Yes, I totally agree with this Proverb, because for me in order to be a good leader of any kind of thing one most have a good heart, to be able to understand, because this way they will be understood in return. To care for others and also to have that willingness that dermination to accomplish anything they set themselves to do so.
Yes, I totally agree with this Proverb, because for me in order to be a good leader of any kind of thing one most have a good heart, to be able to understand, because this way they will be understood in return. To care for others and also to have that willingness that dermination to accomplish anything they set themselves to do so.
Monday, August 24, 2009
tick tock
so you ask what can I write about right?? Anything is the anwser .... so heres the anything....
wonder, is distance a barrier??? is it all just in our heads?? Wish one could really make distance not a barrier but thats kind off hard when it comes to something thats prohibitted and not by law our anything but by the most important people in you life your parents... How come they not understand that when your young you don't really care bout anything else, but just gettting what makes you happy even if they dont like.. how come they not remember what it was like when they were young?? Dont' know wish there were more anwsers to the questions..
wonder, is distance a barrier??? is it all just in our heads?? Wish one could really make distance not a barrier but thats kind off hard when it comes to something thats prohibitted and not by law our anything but by the most important people in you life your parents... How come they not understand that when your young you don't really care bout anything else, but just gettting what makes you happy even if they dont like.. how come they not remember what it was like when they were young?? Dont' know wish there were more anwsers to the questions..
Thursday, August 20, 2009
im like you... i think
me i don't really know who i look like my dad says i resemble his dad but since i was like 5 when he died and he spent the his last years in bed i don't really remember...
anyways my dad syas i got his height cause one of the tallest one in my family he also i got his color since im a tan and my dad is green eyed and really wiht .. and from ma mom i think i just get her nose.. maybe hers is whiter though...and in personality everyone in ma family is different and unique in our own way. so therefore i am more like myself.
anyways my dad syas i got his height cause one of the tallest one in my family he also i got his color since im a tan and my dad is green eyed and really wiht .. and from ma mom i think i just get her nose.. maybe hers is whiter though...and in personality everyone in ma family is different and unique in our own way. so therefore i am more like myself.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
what is family??
the light of life is family. why?? because only in your family you can find the most wonderful love you can ever posibly imagine even if most of your family and loved ones are far away from you. family is like waking up everyday to a day full of sunshine even if it's a really rainy day.. being part of the family i have makes me sad sometimes too because they are so far away from me .. how can i be with them?? how distance and time become extinct.. i don't know I just hope...that one day all my family be united and that hapiness will reach us all...
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