Monday, December 6, 2010

what does Christmas mean??

This is my favorite day of the year, remembering past Christmas and listening to the song playing right now brings tears to my eyes. I really love Christmas because to me it means family time, the day that all of my moms family and and us get together to celebrate. We have a big dinner it changes from year to year it is never the same. And it also means partying and giving hugs to all the family when the clock hits twelve that is definitely my favorite part because it is then that we all realize how blessed we are to have each other and for being together. Those are exactly the reasons why I love spending Christmas with all my family in Mexico and this year I am even more exited because by new baby cousin will there to celebrate with her as the member of the family I just can't wait and I hope that we are able to go. Because if we don't then all of those things that I just said I love of Christmas wont get to happen and my Christmas will be very depressing without my friends and family. Here are some Pictures of last years Christmas and the hugs at midnight.


So I know i talk a lot about Mexico but I really can't help it because i love my country with its faults and all. Up until yesterday I was really sad because my parents had been very indecisive about weather or not going this Christmas. But yesterday my dad told me to let the school know that we are probably leaving next Thursday even tough he said " It is not for sure yet, but ahead and let the school know just in case." I really do think that the decision is made and that we will go. Even tough I really want to go at the same time I don't want to force the situation because I don't anything bad happening and then feeling guilty about it. So no w I'm just like if it is for the best of us then we should go but if not then not . But for now I guess all I have left to do is let it all in God's hands and whatever happens is what will be best.

Also I'm kind off nervous because I saw Coach Tomes earlier today and he said that I have to talk to Mr.Daicht and I don't really know him and I'm nervous about what he will say when I tell him my situation. I really hope he lets me take my finals before I leave like they used to allow me before.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All I want for Christmas

I think that when I was little what I wanted for Christmas really changed form year to year but now as I've gotten older I think the one thing I really want for Christmas is not any material thing but instead what I want is to be able to go and spend my Christmas in Mexico. This year I'm really worried I might not be able to get what I want for Christmas because my parents don't want to go to Mexico because it is getting really dangerous down there. The situation really does scare but it is my country and I love being down there even if it's dangerous. But then if we do stay to spend Christmas here we will probably be going to Chicago to spend sometime with my aunts and uncles that I have up there I'm sure it will fun either way but never the same as if I was in Mexico. But I still haven't let my hopes down cause I now many things can change between now and then.

Friday, November 19, 2010

VITA Breakfast!!

So this morning I attended the welcome Breakfast for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance(VITA). It was really cool. Well at first I felt kind off out of place because most people there were mostly old. But then some of them introduced themselves to me I felt more comfortable and started to get exited as the first speaker began to talk. Then as they were explaining more about the program I realized that I had made the right decision when I signed up to volunteer in this program. At first I signed up just because I thought the experience I gained from it would help me in what I want to do after I graduate. As of now I am even more sure that it will definitely help me tons in the future. But what got me most exited was all the stories they told about all the people they have helped and how rewarding the feeling of their thanks is, that really made glad I was in for the adventure. Then this coordinator comes sit by and just confirms that I will never regret this experience and all just makes me the more anxious. Also something very important and that caught my attention form the program is the fact that they are setting up a new sight at the St.Joseph and Paul Catholic Church which is the one I go to. and this site is specially being put up for the Hispanic community, and I'm really glad about this because I will be able to help those who don't know English and I'll be able to help them out with everything I can not only with filling their taxes but also I will be there to translate for them which is something I really enjoy. So I'm really looking forward to the training on January 8th and then to all the actual days we will be filling taxes!!

beautiful planet

Every day when I look up at the sky I take a deep breath and just think how wonderful nature is, but more than that I think on how great God has been to us all for giving us such treasures. This world is full of a beauty our kids might not be able to see, and they might not be able to see it because of how we are miss treating it right now. It is a shame that most of us just take it for granted. Sometimes even I myself do stupid stuff like littering or something like that and hurt it, but it is at those moments when I look at the sky and get that feeling of greatness that I realize the wrong things I have done to the world around me. So now I do try as hard as I can to be as e-friendly as possible because I really do want for my children to be able to enjoy the beauty of this world.

Running out of time...

So once again this time of the year as come where everyone is getting all excited about the holidays and traditional celebrations. And as the first one we have Thanksgiving which will be happening a week from today. I am anxious about it because my dad gets to come home and spend time with us, I really enjoy that. Even tough because I come from a different culture we don’t celebrate this day as most Americans. We do the whole big dinner thing but with food traditional to us. And the only reason we do have a big dinner and a family gathering is because the culture of the country we are living in as had influence upon us. Then on the next morning we get the “Black Friday” craze and go off shopping that’s my favorite part! I can’t wait till then. And then after that the days go by so fast that next thing you know is that Christmas is already here!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cup of Hot Chocolate

I've never really thought of making any kind of comparison close to this one but now that I've heard of it I think it is very true... In our society today we let ourselves be guided by the superficial way of things we just care about what others will think and really see what we want or need.. because most of the time what we need and want to be happy is not what we are striving for but we don't realize it at the moment because we are too blind to see the things that really are important to us and to our happiness... But then I again I do realize that is easier said than done because I my self life something close to this situation but I think the 1st step towards overcoming it its realizing the reality of things and accepting that we are living wrong.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Banking for happiness?

I know that happiness is something we all wish we always had but sometimes we are put into situations that do not allow us to do so...But I do think that it all depends on the person because if the are willing to do see life with a positive outlook taking everything in a positive way even tough this is not as easy to do as it is to say it can be done. But most of us wont put it in to action until we suffer soo much that we give up on everything and just try to make the best out of it from that day on.

Monday, November 1, 2010

long time agoo

So omg it's been for ever since I've made a blog it feels kind off weird, but at the same I'm happy to be back to my old routine.So I'll start off talking about the subject that makes me happier than anything else and that is Mexico! Well this year I was lucky to be able to stay for 5 months in which I had loads of fun! I got a chance to be with my family longer, specially with my baby cousin who is who I miss the most since I got used to her because she was living in my house... I also really enjoyed my time down there because I got to go to school and that was the best experience ever, I miss it and I wish I could go back since it felt like home something I had not felt in a long time at school. I think i loved it because of the activities they had going on in the time i got to be there we had the Mexican Independence day parade which was awesome and all kinds of trips and things to do.. It sucks to think about all the things I'm going to miss out on.But oh well my life is over here and there is nothing I can do to change that... know I cant wait to go back again and visit my family and friends again

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Friday!

So now it is for sure that we will get to leave on Friday! As I said at my house we are all anxious ... It's been crazy the last couple of weeks. There are suitcases everywhere and we are all trying to decide what to take and what not it is a hard choice( well at least to me since I'm able to take all of my closet=])my mom hasn't been able to help me much since she has to pack for my two little sisters, for her and for my dad, and it sucks because I'm very indecisive. But the good thing is that we've got everything almost ready there is only a couple of things that we left to pack.

Hopefully we will be at out home in Mexico sometime on Saturday night (if things are good on the way) but if not will be there Sunday sometime! I'm just hoping that everything goes well since things are getting dangerous. But I believe that with God's Will we will be back here same as we left.

Friday, May 7, 2010

I am currently fascinated with my baby cusin... She was born on April 20th , and even though I haven't gotten to see her in person because she is in Mexico I have seen her trough the web cam and I can't wait to see her. Since me and my family we were supposed to leave today but due to things I don't understand we are not going to get to leave until sometime next week. Those news were devastating to all of us in our home... we were ready to leave.... but o well the good thing is that we will still get to go I mean is not like a few days will make a big difference.. at least that's what i hope... =]

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

favorite cartoon...

I would have to say that Tom & Jerry where my very favorite cartoon when I was little. I think we share many memories of watching the show together. I think we even got on my moms nerves alot! Because every time when we went out and saw anything that was related to the cartoon we would beg to get it whatever it was... And we would cry and cry until we got them ... it dint happen all the time=[

Friday, April 23, 2010

Who inspires me???

I think that there are several persons who inspire me. But the most important ones and the ones that inspire me the most are my parents. I think maybe most of us would say the same thing but to me my parents aren't just my inspiration because they are my parents, but knowing all they have been trough really gets to me and makes me want to be a better person and try as hard as I can so that I can make them proud. That has been my biggest concern ever since I can remember. Every time I hear all they have struggled to get my sisters and brother and me all we have and having witness most of those struggles just inspires me even more and I think that is what keeps me going. There is also another very important person in my life who is very inspiring. He is my bestest friend in the whole wide world, he has been trough a lot of hard stuff that not very many people have to experience growing up and know ing his story and seeing how he has been able to overcome his past just makes me realize how I don't appreciate what I have been given all my life and it makes me really see life from another perspective. He is my inspiration for trying to see life with a positive outlook always... Sometime it's not that easy and at those times and I remember his story and with that I am able to over come what ever I am going trough at the time.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So what's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me??
Well I think there have been lots of nice things done for me. One of my favorites is that the 15 days before i turned 15 my best friend gave yellow roses(my favorite flower!) adding one on as my birthday got closer.... I wasn't expecting it but it just showed how much he really did care for me so that's something i probably wont ever forget. Then, there's also all the other nice things that are usual for people to do for someone but I really do thing that little details and actions are the one that mean the most.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I spend most of my time online because... well I don't really have that much time to spend online because of work. But the time I do spend online is because i like to keep in touch with all my friends and specially with all my family who is far away from me. Also when ever I'm only I do all kinds of research and specially lately its been really helpful with the college and scholarship searches that I've been doing lately.So I really do thank the ones that invented and develop the Internet they have done an awesome job!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Does Honesty pay?

I truly do believe that honesty does pay.I think that can be proven since in the most needed times you realize that an act of kindness can also be and honest one and the result of that are more than paying, they are gratifying.I think they can also be considered paying because if you truly are an honest person it will just come naturally and and life will repay you some day.(HOPEFULLY!)

Monday, April 12, 2010

'10 Spring Break

So this years Spring break was awesome!!On the first weekend we left and went up to Chicago, to visit my Aunts and Uncles. It was great because we got to hang out together foe the first Easter and that was just great. I also really enjoyed because we got to visit all kinds of interesting places!! My favorite being the grass balcony in the Willis tower. It is soo cool to look down from it,you fell like your going to fall the only thing that sucked about it is that I forgot my camera at home so i wasn't able to take any pictures:( But you can look it up and see pictures of it, it is truly amazing! But our trip only lasted for 4 days we had to come back on Tuesday because i had to work. And well the rest of the break wasn't all that exciting...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So I was just checking my e-mail like always when I notice I have an e-mail from Blogger and I'm like weird since I'm not singed up to received the updates and all that stuff. So I opened it and see that it was something talking about how you could change the look of your blog. I felt really excited because my blog had had the same old boring look ever since I made it. So I taught that my finding was really going to be awesome, I saw it as a new discovery ....But then I realized that the whole being able to customize things on the blog was old news for everyone else i felt like I was really slow. lol. But at least I have a more Cool looking blog now, like everyone else =]

Monday, March 22, 2010

More time needed..

If I had more time I what would I do?? Well good question but probably I would try to exercise more I really do like to but between work and school work I never seem to have time left to do any. But hopefully since I'm stuck at home during Spring Break I'll have some more time do exercise.Maybe go out and run since the weather is getting better. Hopefully it does get nice outside that is always a plus when wanting to exercise.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

So my first time driving was in the Drivers Ed. car from school. I can remember I soo nervous and scared and the other people in there with me made it even worse.

Mr.Carpenter asks "Have you ever driven a car before?" and I'm like just shaking my head no with my hands steady on the wheel. And his like " Ok fist try to relax your hands, put the car on drive and slowly press the gas."
I did has I was told and slowly very slowly pressed on the gas. The was really scared when the car started rolling, I was afraid I might run over or just hit something because we were in a neighborhood that had all their trashcans out I guess I hadn't picked the best day for driving lessons.
But anyways I did what he told me and those twenty minutes that i got to drive were the longest ones I can remember. When it was over i felt so accomplished, because I hadn't had any incidents. That little accomplishment just made my day just because i felt so proud of my self.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Normal is:
~Confirming to the standard of the common type,usual;not abnormal;regular; natural(dictionary definition).

But to me normal is something just.. normal, something that totally goes on unnoticed. Something that is not worth making an impact.
But maybe when it refers to a person that be a little different. Like to me a Normal person is someone who seems to do everything right not exactly going beyond but not staying behind either. Someone that can just never express change...
Now that I think of it it is really weird how we are always saying that a person seems "normal" or that this or that is normal but I don't really think we know what we are really meaning do we?? Well I now know I don't.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

why macaroni?

I think he called it that because of the way the feather is. You know how back during the Revolutionary War when this song was written people put those big feathers on their heads and they kind of arch forward. well maybe the look of this reminded him of how a macaroni is a little bit arched just the feather when it got to his head.

lol funny co-workers

So has I was saying on my last entry I really like my job...and some of the reasons for that is that i get to read a lot when I don't have customers and I really enjoy that because i love reading. Well another reason why i really like my job is because i have the best co-workers I could have asked for. The best one is the manager she is a little lady she is Indian and a little crazy(on the good side) but she just makes my day every time i see her she is always cheerful and hardly ever gets mad (at me:)). And since she is the manager, I get to work with her most of the time and those are my favorite days to go to work. And there is also one more person that works with us but since she works on the days that I'm off I don't really get to see her, but she also seems nice.

can working at the mall suck??

Well I have been working at the mall for over a year and a half. At first I was kind of nervous about it , but as the time passed I ended up liking it and that's probably why I've been there for so long. This has been my first job and I believe that it was just luck that I got it. So it happen when I got back from Mexico Summer of '08, my mom encounter me with the news that she had a job prospect for me, and I was a little surprise, because we had never talked about me getting a job or anything...But I was like why not I can give it a try and if I don't like I'll just leave and well since my parents agreed with me on that I went in for an interview. And the next day guess what I'm working. At first it was kind of awkward but as I said by now I really like it... I guess is better than working at fast food place I've heard working there is really.... well really different.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

To me someone who is making a fashion statement is someone who is totally unique in their way of dressing.Someone that has a totally particular style that makes others like it and want to follow it.They would probably be wearing ordinary things but adding something that makes their outfits very original. And this originality makes their style become the next trend.They probably look like someone who just got of a runaway.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


When I think of a person being bored, I think of someone looking like they have nothing to do at all but yet they are doing something but without much interest...This reminds me of me in Math class ... Specially when the teacher is lecturing something really boring (which is almost always the case in that class) I kind off go on auto-pilot and take notes but my mind is thinking something else and when i come back to my self i realize that I had been daydreaming because I was so bored...Well I guess that doesn't really say how a person looks when they are bored since I just the describe the trance I go into when I am bored... But describing someone else being bored is kind of hard since we are not supposed to use any form of "yawned", "stared", or "sighed".

Monday, February 22, 2010


Why did the chicken run across the road?
  • There was a car coming

Why did the chicken cross the road halfway?

  • She wanbted to lay it on the line

Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?

  • She wanted to stretch her legs

Why did the Roman chicken cross the road?

  • She was afraid someone would Caesar!

Why did the chicken cross the road?

  • To prove to the possum it could be done!

Why did the chicken cross the road??

  • To get to the other side of the road hahaha obvious

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Funny stuff..LOL

Well there are many things that really make laugh but like always when I need to remember something I go blank just like right now haha well I think that is something really funny...Other things that I think are funny:

  • All those funny shows ( well yeah i guess you are supposed to laugh at those)

  • People who speak with a veryy Ky accent

  • Some of Mrs.Matthews stories
  • clowns

  • Jokes

  • My little sisters pretending to act all grown up

  • Remembering Elementary School =]

  • thinking back to my emberrasing moments or other peoples

Friday, February 12, 2010

3 snow days in a row

This past snow days were great... Even tough i kind off started hating them after they because 3 just making us stay in school longer. That is just awful I can't believe that if we miss another we will be going on until June again... urghh and since it is supposed to snow again on Sunday and Monday we are definitely going on until June... But oh well I can still hope and pray that it don't.. and hopefully I will be heard so that school doesn't last all the way in June..=]

Friday, February 5, 2010

other ways to say no!

  1. non
  2. not
  3. not entirely
  4. negative
  5. rejection
  6. refusal
  7. veto
  8. thumbs down
  9. nix rebuff
  10. not in a life time
  11. rebuff
  12. nee
  13. Hrma
  14. nein
  15. hind
  16. wala
  17. ie
  18. den
  19. nao
  20. khong

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Since I really cant think of a really long question with a couplet answer is a topic a little too hard for me.... I decide to talk about how much I wish summer was here!! I seriously detest the cold weather even tough i seriously think that it is a beautiful sight when it snows (like what has been happening lately) it gets kind of annoying after a while....... So I can't wait till the warm temperatures of May and June get here... and plus what makes it more exciting this is our last summer in high school and next we will be SENIORS.. Wow seriously time goes by so fast i can't believe it, I'm just really glad that I'm almost done with school=] And plus I really need some vacations and since I'm hoping I get to go to Mexico for the 2 whole months that makes me even more anxious ... well hopefully we don't get any more snow days so that we can out of school ASAP.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Well silly can have its various meanings, but silly things to me are...
  • for one i think is very silly when people try to use words that they don't even know the meaning for, just to sound really smart.
  • I also think it is really silly when my little sisters do something new to them but that i already knew over and over. that just really cracks me up
  • Start reading a book ending up not liking it and just finishing it up, because your not used to leaving a book unfinished. Haha well I speak for myself on that one.
  • People who wear wigs and don't place them right on their heads so that you can see their real hair underneath that. oo that just bothers me and i can't stop staring... My old bus monitor sis this all the time her wig was blond and on the really hot days you could see her sweaty dark hair underneath it and it was just gross and silly it bothered me alot..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

when winter winds wander in wonder....

When the winter season comes the joy also comes. With it the feeling of Christmas and all the other nice things that come it come.While there is joy everywhere there is also the really cold climate that comes with it. Weather for this season is very chilly and cold it even snows like it is supposed to happen tonight. Wondering if id true that schools will cancelled tomorrow due to this snow fall in winter I sit writing this. Writing this I feel the need to express that winter is wonderful.Wonderful it is with all the Holidays that come with it too. With it also comes the time for vacation and the wonderful feeling of loving winter more and more what a wonderful time!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

dogs and life??

So what advice can a dog give about life.... first of all i really think that the life of a dog is very different from the one of a human being.. bout thinking like a dog for a moment they would probably say that must know who people really are before you judge them or in a dogs case bit them or go off on them.. and they probably advise you that you will encounter some people who will really treat you good and love you and that you will probably find some other ones who wont treat you the same way, and that you will have to learn who to deal with both types of people since you will always have both kinds of person in your life...


I really think distractions are a huge thing on teenagers lives now, well in some cases there ought to be exceptions. But anyways I think the main now days is the Internet. Even tough i believe the Internet is on the best inventions ever it also has it bad side. I consider it a big distraction cause it takes up most of my time , for example when i have homework that requires the use of my computer or the Internet there is always a time when i get sidetracked and end up doing something else at the same time as my homework and it takes twice as much time as it should have originally. I also know there are other very popular distraction like the cell phone and that's another big one too cause most teenagers like my self are absorbed by the phone most of the time even at school.... There are also some other distractions for teenagers but i believe that most of them can be considered minor...

Friday, January 22, 2010


We have always known there is a lot of poverty close and far from us, and most of the time we just try to evade the taught of this situations.Most of the time we do this because we don't really want to see the reality of it. But now with all the situation going on in Haiti and seeing all this horrible things that people are having to go trough, I think that it really does get those of us who try to ignore it to try to do something to help and do some kind of contribution. It is kind off sad to see that we don't really pay attention to what we know is there until the situation gets to an extreme just like we see happening now.
But hopefully there are alot of people who are seeing what this really poor people are going through and try to do something to help them by making some kind off contribution or donation.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ugly Words

  1. laking
  2. mole
  3. motif
  4. intimidation
  5. puke

Well there are many words that i really cant stand listening to.. But i cant really think of all them now but you know how that is you just kind off think eww I hate that word when you hear it and it also depends on the way it is said.

3-day weekend

On Friday I was really exited about the whole 3 day weekend because i guess i was expecting it to be fun.. but i was very much wrong since for Saturday i was stuck at a party that was my little sisters friend and that was very much boring.. and then Sunday I had to work which wasn't so bad but I still kind off hate working on Sundays since i get to miss church.. and well i love going to church and then Monday was just like ugh since i had to do laundry and didn't really do anything else.....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

bad ideas

  1. chew with your mouth open
  2. talk to your someone when they are using the blender
  3. walk on thin ice
  4. cheat on a a test
  5. pick your nose in public
  6. play jokes on people
  7. go in a pool without knowing how to swim
  8. pee in a pool
  9. not be generous
  10. leave pets without attention

endless driving

So on the second day of traveling we are expecting to get to our final destination at around 10 pm but we over estimated since we weren't expecting for there to be too much traffic ,but what we encounter was something totally different. At every toll we had to wait for approximately 45 to 60 min that may not sound so bad but it is when you have to go trough 9 of them. And all due to all the other people who like us just wanted to get to their final destinations after a day or 2 of traveling. So after loosing around 7 hours due to the long lines at the tolls we arrive home at around 4 am anxious to spend some time over there with the loved ones we hadn't seen in a long time and not wanting to think about the return trip which is even worse.

endless traveling

So me and my family we get to go to Mexico every Christmas. And always around 3 or 4 weeks before i get nervous seeing everyone packing up and getting everything ready for the departure day and well it's not really leaving that gets me not feeling too well but traveling, because even th0ugh i like going places ,i don't really do when you have to drive to get there.So we left on a Friday morning at 5 am and got to a little town in Texas were we had reservations in hotel at around 10 pm rested a little just awaiting the next endless day of driving that was coming ahead on that next day. On this day we crossed to Mexico and o you don't know what at relief its at least knowing your on your country now but at the same time it is kind of scary because you hear about so many things that could happen that you are just wishing to get to your destination., and get there soon.