Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So I think there are plenty of reasons for people to be lazy, but is not necessarily being lazy sometimes is just that we feel like doing nothing and here are just a few reasons why we feel this way :

  • We like to rest
  • It feels good to laid back
  • It's a great way to relax
  • It's just plain fun
  • Best way to be happy
  • No worries!!

Friday, February 18, 2011


I have come to realize that saying no without actually saying is harder than I taught;

  1. definitely not
  2. negative response
  3. nope
  4. naw
  5. non(french)
  6. don't know
  7. move your head from side to side
  8. never
  9. not possible
  10. not a way
  11. not in your dreams
  12. opposite of yes

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

silly things...

  • When there's one other person in the elevator, tap them in the shoulder and pretend it wasn't you.

  • Leave a box in the corner of and elevator and then ask the person in there with you if they hear it ticking lol!

  • swat flies that don't exist to make people uncomfortable

  • pretending to be out of breath when you are late

  • trying to fold a fitted sheet

Monday, February 14, 2011

dog advice

I think that if a dog could give any advice it will probably be "Always stay close to your owner when they walk you around your neighborhood without a leash." I believe so because my friend one told me her little chihuahua had gotten lost in a situation like that.

It's been a long time since I've had a dog, it was back when I was like 7 and that dog save our live a couple of times by letting us know with its barking that the gas from the stove was escaping while we were asleep and that got my dad up and he noticed the smell and fixed the stove but also remembering this dog makes me sad because it was in Mexico were we had it and I stated in the roof of our house(a common thing over there) and then one night it just disappeared we think a mean neighbor we had killed it cause he hated our dog... I miss that dog "Chiko" and I can still remember how of a good dog he was..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

  • straighten your when is dirty
  • touch the top of your stove while the light that says "hot surface" is on
  • walk on the snow bare foot
  • lock yourself in the bathroom while taking a longgg shower when there are 10 people living in the house and only one bathroom
  • touching your when a second after you put nail polish hon them
  • stepping on your dog
  • using a phone card to make a call to Mexico on a holiday
  • talking in your sleep
  • getting your fake nails stuck in something
  • leaving your facebook page open on your home computer :(
  • outting delicate articles of clothing in the drier
  • leaving a 20$ bill in your jeans before you put them in the washer

Monday, February 7, 2011


Volunteering is something that I have always enjoy doing this is because I just enjoy being able to do something help for someone kind off like putting a smile on their face :D
Have done different types of volunteering I can remember the first time I did was in Middle School and we had go pick up trash from around the school. I really enjoyed that. Right know the place that I volunteer the most is at my church . I believe this one of the volunteering that I enjoy the most. In my volunteering I have many duties to fulfill. During mass I am one of the readers and more than feeling like a volunteer by doing this I feel proud to be able to read the Lords words to the people in my church. I also get to help with the kids during catechism class I have a thing for little kids and I really enjoy it!! I also help planning out the youth group schedules. I don't know if all of this would really be considered volunteering but to me it is and I love it :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So I think mistakes are the one thing that was made to make every single person learn from them and be better. I like most people I would say hate myself when ever I make a mistake. It just makes me feel like I'm a failure in life that there is nothing I can do right, after I take all my anger out on my self afterwards I feel dumb because I realize that most people also have committed the same mistake that I have. I know that there will always be people who are better than me at somethings but I also know that there will always be people who do worse than me, and at those times when I feel like I'm the worst failure in the world I realize this and it helps make myself feel better. But even if I feel this bad when I make a mistake I know that everything happens for a reason and that I was supposed to do this thing wrong so that I could learn a lesson and not commit the same mistake again....