Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oh no!!

So last night our team played again. But now with a new name we changed from being "Chikas Guerreras" to being "Shooting Stars".Last night all the team was so exited because our first game playing with our brand new uniforms. We kept our eximent trough out our game I believe we did an awesome job or at least I know I tried. because this game had us all going crazy we played really hard, but unfortunately hard wasn't good enough because we lost 1-4. But we wont let this defeat over come us. We have our next game on Thursday and we have practice tonight and I really hope that we are able to defeat the other team on Thursday, but even if we don't I will have the satisfaction of having played with a team of hardworking members. But I don't know we'll have to see how things turn out.

Friday, March 18, 2011


I believe that memories are meant so that when we remember we are able to relive the moments, bad and good. I think most of us just like to remember the good things but to me that is something close to impossible. I think this because even if we don't want to sometimes the bad moments to come back to life in our heads. But for me since I really like to remember the good ones I try to keep a journal of all the important events of my life I write in it maybe once or twice a month, and my journal is a decorated composition notebook, I choose it to be just that simple because I is something I don't want other people wanting to read because mainly i write my most private and important memories things that I think are worth remembering 10 years from now. but the weird thing is that even when I read the ones from a year ago i can remember that day but the emotions that I wrote in are nothing like what I really felt at that moment, and this kind off creeps me out because as I am writing I feel like if I was really writing everything that I was feeling but I don't know maybe there are some emotions that really cant be put in to words.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So like I've mentioned before on Monday night we had our second game and we did an awesome job. We won 5-0. At first we were kind off nervous because the other team had players that actually played for their school and they looked like they were pretty good. But as it turned out they weren't that great in the end because they were not able to score not even once. Even tough on this game I wasn't the one to score a goal at all I was still pretty happy because all the team contribute to the scoring, Monica scored 1 and our team captain scored the other 4. We were all so happy because we won we celebrated for a really long time. The other team was expecting an easy victory since they had heard we were new at this and had not much clue of what we were doing, they brought in their coaches and their friends and like a bunch of people to support then because they taught they were destined to win. but by the end they all left defeated. I am so happy to have joined the team and soo proud of everyone :D

Just relax

So how important is relaxation to me? I think it is very important and very much needed. Why well becasue without it we are always stressed and in a bad mood most of the time. also rest comes hand in hand with relaxaion eventhough everyone has a different way to relax. For example I like to read to forget about my own worries and just concentrate in the new world the book takes me to. But I know other people who do other things to relax for example my mom she likes to knit and she says she finds it relaxing.

Monday, March 14, 2011

OMG!! I still can't believe I'm getting good at this! So this weekend my team and I we had like two practices for the indoor soccer tournament we are in. So on Saturday it went alright only 4 of the 7 of us went and we were just out there running and paying without a coach. But then yesterday one of my friends got her brothers friend to be our coach and it was really fun. At first I wasn't that exited because the guy looked really mean and stuff but he turned out to be pretty nice. we practice for almost 2 hours non-stop we did all kinds of things and even tough I suck and the coach made fun of me and everything I enjoyed it. But then later on all his team mattes came (since he also plays in the same tournament but with the guys) and we split up and played a game and even tough my team dint win we did do pretty good I was able to score 2 goals I could not believe it, it was so much fun. I think it was that fun because the guys I taught they'd be pretty mean and stuff but they weren't they were actually pretty nice and play fair and everything! it was unforgettable for me. And now I'm just hoping that tonight our game turns out a good one and we ought to win!! :D I can't wait! I really haven't been this exited in a long time i think I'm failing in love with the game!! :)

More time needed

So if I had more time what would I do? I think I would try to exercise more so that I could be on shape for the summer. Also if I had more time I thunk I would love to spend more time in Mexico, but for now I just wish I had more time to spend with the person I love, I wish he didn't have to be far away so that we could be more time together.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

who am I??

So the prompt is- list 10 things you like about yourself, but what if I don't like anything about myself what if I don't have any traits any others notice in me. Maybe is not that I don't have them I really think that I am a person who doesn't like to believe she has something special this might sound messed up but that is how I feel sometimes.
But there have been times when I have been told that I am a very responsible person and I like that and i know I am or at least I try to anyways. But I think that the one thing that I definitely like about my self is my ethnicity. I think that being different than most around me here has been the one thing that keeps me going. and it might sound strange but even though that is the one thing that puts me down sometimes it is the same one that helps me want to be successful in my society, and want to show everyone that I can really a successful Mexican and just part of the unsuccessful statistics.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So I have never been the type of girl that's into sports. I think this is mainly because I suck at any kind off sport. But I think yesterday i discovered that maybe I could be good if I tried. It all started like a month a go when a friend from church told me she was putting a team together to play in the indoor league at Bellvue Church. I wasn't so sure about this since like I said I know I am not good. But having nothing else to do after school I decided to join the team. we hadn't heard form the organisers until yesterday morning and they told us that our first match was going to be yesterday night at seven. Us all nervous, with any practice , and not knowing what to expect set out to play. and so we did and we tied with the other team. I was so nervous that I don't think I did a very good job playing . But during half time I was able to score a goal, and up to this point I can't believe it :D I'm like so proud of my self!!


So in case of an emergency I know my dad would be the first one I call. HE would be my first option and my mom my next because I think my dad always acts , and takes decisions wisely and I know if my mom was told I just had an emergency she will freak out and no t act very rationally. So my dad is my person to call on an emergency.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Why macaroni

"Yankee Doodle went to town,
A riuding on a pony,
Stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni."

So I think he decided to calle it this because I can picture him seeing how the feather kind off curves to one side, just like macaroni is alwas round and kind of looks like an elbow. :D

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does being different really mean Different?

So all this week on Channel 1 they have been having this series called "Pride and Prejudice" that's about the several hate groups found in the US today. Most of this groups are really hateful towards immigrants, and that is just scary. I mean, I do understand a lot of the points they make and why they think that. But ain't this the Melting pot country? meaning it was founded by immigrants from all over the World, even tough whites predominant they are not the only ones who are important. For sometime I was sure that all this racism had ended but now that I see this news coming up with the news of all the hate groups and with all the things they are doing it just makes me realize that this world really is getting worse and worse. I do understand that there are several immigrants who have done bad things but, most of us just come here to work hard to try to help out our families that are back in our country. So why are people so hard headed? Why do they have to act so mean to others just because they look different? Just because they have darker skin, or different eye shape or different eye color they judge them by that, and create stereotypes that can really hurt others.
So going back to that series on Channel One, it is very painful for me to see that people are really so serious about being racist and keeping immigrants out of the country no matter what. Don't they realize that there are other problems that are bigger and more affecting to the country than immigrants? I wish they did and I wish all of this things they are doing against MY people doesn't turn out in a catrastophe. I say this because I have heard some people guess that this country will be having another civil war in relation to this topic, and that is just awful, so I hope it never does occur. But more than anything I wish for tolerance and acceptance of people, so that we can become a country united by the pride of it being called "A Melting Pot" and being separated but beliefs that will get our society no were but only backwards to a past we have being struggling to leave behind for a very long time "INEQUALITY".